Workshop: Underground mapping for resilient infrastructure - Datafication of the underground

  • van 9:00 tot 10:30
  • Amsterdam

April 4, Geonovum is organising the workshop Underground mapping for resilient infrastructure - Datafication of the underground at the Geospatial World Forum.

Information on physical conditions represented by soil and geology are key in many processes from exploration to construction to flood- and disaster management. Moreover: the underground has become an occupied space through extensive underground infrastructural works from utilities to traffic tunnels and subsurface building constructions. Lately, worldwide initiatives arise to combine different types of underground information on digital platforms. Integrated standards are being developed, as for instance in the OGC-MUDDI project, linking already established standards like the CityGML Utility Network ADE for integrated utility information, Inspire Utility Networks, LandInfra, PipeLineML and many others. Datafication of the underground is widespread. Digital representations of the underground provide digital twins that act as integrated information resources in planning, analysing, monitoring and maintenance use cases. In this workshop, several speakers will fill you in on datafication of the underground.

More information and registration

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