GeoBIM Summit

  • hele dag
  • TU Delft

Op woensdag 27 maart 2024, organiseren de TU Delft, Geonovum en OGC een ‘Special Summit on GeoBIM’. De summit vindt plaats tijdens de 128e OGC Member Meeting. Deelname aan de GeoBIM Summit is gratis en voor iedereen toegankelijk. Je moet je wel registreren. 

Registratie voor de Summit loopt via Je kunt je daar desgewenst ook registreren voor de OGC Member meeting.

Preliminary programme OGC GeoBIM Summit 27th of March, Delft

13:30 Opening 

Welcome by Francesca Noardo (OGC) & Jantien Stoter (TU Delft)
DigiDeal GeoBIM, Freek Boersma, DigiGO

13:45 Use cases/projects 10 minutes:

  • BIM / GIS integration to enable the integrated digital built environment, Paul Churcher, Department of National Defence, Canada
  •  GeoBIM for digital permit checking - spaces, Rolf Jonker, City of Rotterdam
  •  BIM Legal, Marcel Reuvers, Netherlands’ Kadaster
  •  GeoBIM solutions developed for the Horizon Europe funded Change Toolkit for Digital Building Permit project- Jasper van der Vaart, Amir Hakim, TU Delft
  •  How 3D city models have been utilized in Finnish municipalities as part of land use processes, Petri Kokko, Sova3D Oy (Ltd.), Finland
  • GeoBIM lessons learnt from Brainport Smart Distric Helmondt, Peter van den Pol, Geodan
  • GeoBIM in the underground, Carsen Roensdorf, Ordnance Survey

 15:00 Break

 15:30 Software vendors perspective:

  • Enhancing GeoBIM Integration and Automation with FME: Leveraging Open Standards and Real-Time Data Streams for Urban and Airport Digital Twins, Dave Campanas, Safe Software
  • Democratizing BIM data access for Digital Twins using OGC I3S Community, Tamrat Belayneh, Esri

16:00 International standardization initiatives

  • OGC-buildingSMART International, GeoBIM roadmap - Jagannath Mallela, WSP
  • Report from ISO TC 59/SC 13 & TC 211 JWG 14 (GIS-BIM interoperability) - Christian   Clemen, University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW), Germany

16:30 Open discussion: what is needed in standardisation for better GeoBIM integration?

17:15 Closure

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